Eduardo Xol, who co-starred on the second season of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,” died of injuries from...
Julie Chrisley was resentenced Wednesday to 84 months in prison by a Georgia district court after a...
Former President Trump said that electing him president would “bring back American strength, power and prestige” that...
“Good Morning America” co-host George Stephanopoulos interviewed former special counsel Robert Mueller’s lawyers about the Russia collusion...
Two Georgia lawmakers, both emergency-medicine doctors, say the state’s law did not play a role in the...
‘Outnumbered’ co-hosts react to President Biden’s continued anti-Trump rhetoric during his appearance on ‘The View.’ ‘Outnumbered’ co-hosts react...
An explosion was reported at a California courthouse on Wednesday, though police have not said whether anyone...
Former Secret Service agent Richard Staropoli calls out preventable security failures discovered from the Senate probe into...
The suspect accused of attempting to assassinate former President Donald Trump was indicted Tuesday in a Miami...
The vice president holds a campaign event in Pittsburgh, PA despite not holding a formal press conference...