Egyptian officials recently announced the discovery of a tomb belonging to a doctor who treated pharaohs. The...
California wildfires burn down the home and community of a veteran, ER doctor and single mother of...
The Transportation Security Administration released the “top catches” from 2024 with prohibited items found by agents across...
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has addressed a recent debate on people reserving sand space with portable...
Archaeologists discovered a burial vault at the Church of Saint Philibert in Dijon, France, after following a...
Visitors can experience a safari like never before by sleeping next to some of the most exotic...
Flight passenger shares “seat switch” story on Reddit when an older woman asks to take the aisle...
A man who spent vacation time with his brother in Arizona described what happened after the two...
Amtrak apologized after a “miscommunication” resulted in more than 100 passengers being left at Union Station after...
Pope Francis kicked off the Jubilee this week, marking the start of the Holy Year in Italy...