Eduardo Xol, who co-starred on the second season of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,” died of injuries from...
Julie Chrisley was resentenced Wednesday to 84 months in prison by a Georgia district court after a...
“Good Morning America” co-host George Stephanopoulos interviewed former special counsel Robert Mueller’s lawyers about the Russia collusion...
An explosion was reported at a California courthouse on Wednesday, though police have not said whether anyone...
Mel Gibson stepped out to promote his new film, “Monster Summer,” and brought his two youngest children,...
Rocker Tommy Lee and his wife Brittany Furlan rescued their dogs from a brazen coyote after it...
A Massachusetts lawyer who suffered extensive injuries after crashing his snowmobile into a parked Black Hawk helicopter...
President Biden said Wednesday during an interview on “The View” that he remains “confident” that he could...
Border officials confirmed that a 23-year-old Salvadoran migrant arrested for murder in Maryland had previously been detained...
The Connecticut Sun spoiled Caitlin Clark’s WNBA playoff debut with a 93-69 win over the Fever over...