Garth Brooks’ decision to sue the woman suing him is a “high-risk, high-reward strategy,” a criminal defense...
“Street takeovers” have been causing chaos in communities around the country, and one former detective explains why...
Travelers have the opportunity to search for their own diamonds and gemstones in some U.S .states. See...
The back-to-back hurricanes that slammed into the southeast make a major impact on the Harris-Trump presidential race ...
While the Trump campaign has said Bob Woodward’s new book consists of made-up stories, the Kremlin has...
A new song allegedly by Justin Bieber that includes lyrics about being at a “Diddy party” is...
Jazz Chisholm is feeling confident in himself – the New York Yankees infielder took a shot at...
Vice President Kamala Harris hasn’t held a formal press conference with reporters since she became the presumptive...
Fox News host Sean Hannity reacts to Vice President Kamala Harris’ involvement in hurricane preparedness briefings on...
Fox News host Jesse Watters highlights how President Biden called the criticism around the hurricane relief response...