“Club Random” host Bill Maher said the election of President-elect Donald Trump showed that the country isn’t as “divided” and “racially tribal” as the media portrayed it.
Liberal comedian Bill Maher said the “silver lining” from President-elect Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election is that the country isn’t as “divided” as the legacy media portrays it.
On Sunday’s installment of his “Club Random” podcast, Maher and guest ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith lambasted the Democratic Party over being “ideologically captured by identity politics.”
Smith took aim at Vice President Kamala Harris for not “paying attention” to how Latino voters wanted the southern border closed.
“You’re from California. You were district attorney here. You were a state attorney general here. You were a senator representing here. And you didn’t know that the Latinos were going to say, ‘Yo, we don’t like open borders.’ You didn’t know that?” Smith exclaimed.
“Here’s a silver lining, I think,” Maher later told Smith. “The election showed we’re much less racially tribal than we thought we were. I mean, Trump is a strange guy to bring together all these different coalitions, but, you know, he won Latino men.”
“13%” Smith interjected. “They said it was a 13% jump, and a 5% jump in the Black vote and even more of that [among] Black men. That’s what they said.”
“Yeah,” Maher agreed. “We’re not really divided so much along the lines that the media paints us in.”
“We’re more of a centrist nation,” Smith said. “The fringes on the MAGA right and the extreme left, The Squad and all of that, those are the fringes. Most Americans are center left or right.”
“And most Americans are just anti-crazy,” Maher responded. “Democrats run campaigns now like the voters don’t live here, like they don’t live here. And they don’t go to Starbucks and the office and the store, you know, and they do. And they see women and people of color, and it doesn’t look like a racist patriarchy- patriarchal nightmare. It doesn’t look like that. And so if that’s what the Democrats are selling, it just they-“
“They don’t know what the hell they’re selling,” Smith knocked Democrats. “Listen, I’m just going to say it plain, the Democrats have gotten on my last damn nerve.”
“Me, too,” Maher agreed.
“If it wasn’t for Trump, I would have voted Republican, because I’m so sick of how they are,” Smith continued. “It’s always about the other side and engaging in demagoguery for you to give my vote as opposed to really articulating what you’re bringing to the table to offer me and my community.”
“And they’re snobby,” Maher added.
“And they’re snobby,” Smith nodded. “They don’t cater to the working class. They cater to the elite and they accuse the Republicans of doing it!”