Columnist David Marcus warns that we are about to be inundated with sob stories from the border of migrants being denied entry into the U.S. Blame former President Joe Biden, not President Trump, Marcus writes.
In the coming days, Americans will be inundated by images of migrants stranded at the border, legitimately sad stories of people who pointlessly trekked across a continent because former President Joe Biden lied to them, and they believed him.
In fact, it has already begun. By Tuesday, just a day after Trump swore his oath of office in the hallowed halls of Congress, the immigration processing app CBP One was shut down, leaving thousands stuck at the border.
The liberal media will try to paint this as President Donald Trump being inhuman and indifferent to the suffering of the migrants, but in fact, those migrants wouldn’t be there at all had the Biden administration not invented easily reversible asylum programs.
“We got lucky, we got an appointment,” one asylum seeker told CNN. “So, we bought bus tickets, we obtained permission to move through Mexico, a lot of sacrifice, we did everything legally.”
And they thought they had done all of this legally. The problem is that Joe Biden was president, he wasn’t Congress, he may have had the authority to ignore immigration law and open the floodgates on the Rio Grande, but he never had any way to make his hapless policies permanent.
Make no mistake, Biden and his cabal of lackeys who lied about his competence, knew full well that if Donald Trump won the 2024 election that he would aggressively shut down the border, leaving thousands in immigration limbo.
Biden’s lax border policies, which themselves bordered on madness, were an electromagnet for migrants. All Donald Trump is doing is powering it down at the behest of millions of voters who sent him back to the White House to do just that.
While the American people have sympathy for the bedraggled migrants who bought into Biden’s lie that the open border would be open forever, they will not accept a status quo that is strangling not only our major cities like Boston and Chicago, but also small towns like Springfield, Ohio.
We now have foreign gangs like Venezuelan import Tren de Aragua menacing American cities from coast to coast, selling our kids fentanyl and selling each other guns. Even when they are arrested they find fertile recruiting ground in our prisons.
There are Bidenville tent cities still dotting our nation’s landscape. The Roosevelt Hotel in New York, a century-old landmark, now sits in squalor as a de facto, poorly run Ellis Island.
Maybe Biden and his band of progressive handlers thought that Trump and the Republicans who now control Congress would not pull the trigger on closing the border, would not tell the thousands seeking entry a polite but firm no.
But that is exactly what Donald Trump is doing, and it is exactly what he was elected to do. If the Democrats wanted some kind of permanent solution to the border crisis, they could have come up with one when they held power. Instead, they chose stimulus packages that tanked our economy.
Hard choices are called hard choices because they are difficult. Nobody sees the suffering of mothers and children wrought by Biden’s lies to them without feeling pangs of pity and guilt. But a nation must have borders, and Biden’s neglect of ours is why this suffering is happening.
Over the next month or two, these sad stories will be spread far and wide, the message being that Trump and the GOP are heartless and uncaring monsters.
But if past is prologue, then something else will happen shortly. The word will get out that the border is closed, and would-be migrants will know not to take the perilous journey because it will end with a stark stop sign.
Once the border is secure, and only once the border is secure, we can return to genteel discussions about how many immigrants we should take in, who they should be, where they should be from and all the rest, but until the border emergency of Biden’s making is quelled, we cannot do any of that.
This time around the weeping and wailing, the shots of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez crying on the border, and the trumped-up stories of kids in cages are not going to work.
It’s not an easy choice, but Americans voted for Trump in large part because they understand that Biden’s scatterbrained open border policies were not, in fact, kind, but destructive. At the end of the day, as Donald Trump himself might put it, “we have no choice.”